PLOs and CLOs

B.Ed. Annual Pattern (W.E.F. 2019-20) Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)-
1) The student teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful.
2) The student teacher understands how children learn and develop, how they differ in their
approaches to learning and creates learning opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners and learning contexts
3) The student teacher plans learning experiences that are based on learner’s existing proficiency, interests, experiences including misconceptions and errors; and an understanding of how students come to view, develop and make sense of subject matter contained in the learning experiences
4) The student teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
5) The student teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner, and reflective practices that continually evaluate the effects of his/her choices and actions
6) The student teacher understands content cum methodology and adopts it in teaching.

F.Y. B.Ed.
CC-PE1: Learning, Teaching in Childhood and Growing Up


1. to enable student-teacher to understand the various stages of child development.

  1. to enable student-teacher to understand the growing process during various stages of child development.
  2. to enable student-teacher to understand the learning process during various stages of child.
  3. to enable student-teacher to understand the different socio-political realities construct different childhoods.
  4. to enable student-teacher to develop understanding about children of different age groups, through close observation and interaction with children from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.
  5. to develop an understanding about the impact/influence of socio cultural context in shaping human development, especially with respect to the Indian context;
  6. to develop an understanding of dimensions and stages of human development and
    developmental tasks
  7. to understand the range of cognitive capacities among learners.
  8. to understand the nature and kinds of learning
  9. to gain an understanding of different theoretical perspectives on learning
  10. to appreciate the critical role of learner differences and contexts in making meanings, and draw out implications for schools and teachers.

CC-PE2: Education in Contemporary India and Gender School Society

  1. To enable student-teacher to understand the Diversity i n Society a n d t h e i m p l i c a t i o n s f o r Education.
  2. To enable student-teacher to understand the Inequality in Society and the implications for Education.
  3. To enable student-teacher to understand the Marginalization in Society and the implications for Education.
  4. To enable student-teacher to understand Policy frameworks for Public Education in India
  5. To enable student-teacher to engage with studies on Indian society and education.
  6. understand the gradual paradigm shift from women’s studies to gender studies and some important landmarks in connection with gender and education in the historical and contemporary period
  7. learn about gender issues in school, curriculum, textual materials across disciplines, 10
    pedagogical processes and its intersection with class, caste, religion and region; and
  8. Understand how gender, power and sexuality relate to education (in terms of access, curriculum and pedagogy).

CC-PE3 -Language across the Curriculum- Knowledge and Curriculum

  1. To enable student-teacher to understand the background of the student’s language.
  2. To understand the nature of classroom discourse and develop strategies for using oral language in the classroom in a manner that promotes learning in the subject area.
  3. To understand the nature of reading comprehension in the content areas.
  4. To enable student-teacher to understand the relation between language and literacy In India.
  5. To enable student-teacher to develop competence in analyzing current school practices and coming up with appropriate alternatives.
  6. The course will also help student-teachers to identify various dimensions of the curriculum and their relationship with the aims of education
  7. To understand the epistemological and social bases of education
  8. The student will enable to take decisions about and shape educational and pedagogic practice with greater awareness of the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings that inform it.
  9. The student will enable the social bases of education will be examined by situating it in the context of society, culture and modernity.
  10. The student will enable to know that what the role of the state in the curriculum is.

CC-PE 4 : Health, Yoga and Physical Education

The course will enable the student teachers to

  1. understand the concept of holistic health, its various dimensions and determinants
  2. develop positive attitude towards health physical education and yoga as individual;
  3. sensitise, motivate and help them to acquire the skills for physical fitness, learn correct postural habits and activities for its development;
  4. create interest for the practice of yogasanas and meditations; 15
  5. Understand various policies and programmes related to health, physical education and yoga; and help them to understand the process of assessment of health and physical fitness.

Course –EPC-1 – Various tools, techniques and skills of Teaching


  1. To enable student-teacher to understand the various tools of teaching.
  2. To enable student-teacher to understand the various techniques of teaching.
  3. To enable student-teacher to understand the various skills of teaching.
  4. To enable student-teacher to understand the various skills of micro teaching.
  5. To enable student-teacher to understand the various skills of ICT for teaching.
    EPC – 2 Life skill Education or Disaster Management Life Skills Education
  6. To develop communication competence in prospective teachers.
  7. To equip them to face interview & Group Discussion.
  8. To create an awareness on Ethics and Human Values.
  9. To learn leadership qualities and practice them.

Disaster Management

  1. To Understand the concept of Disaster and Disaster Management
  2. To Get acquainted with manifesting the mitigation
  3. To Understand rescue from Disaster and Relief for Disaster
  4. To know Government Policies about Disaster Management

EPC-3 – Reading and Reflecting on Texts- or Parenting Education
Reading and Reflecting on Texts Prepare a self – handwritten report within 2000-2500 words on book reviewed by you on Education thinker’s autography or biography or policy documents on Education.
Parenting Education

  1. A general understanding on parenting education
    2.To Understand the meaning, nature and concept of parenting education.
    3.To understand the parental involvement in school .
    4.To The role of parenting education

EPC- 4 Environmental Studies or School Management Environmental Studies:
EPC 4- School Management

  1. To enable the students about Educational Management.
  2. Enable the students about role of head master and teacher in school management.
  3. Enable the student to develop the leadership for school management.
  4. Enable the students about professional development and assessment of teacher.

CPS 1& 2 Curriculum and pedagogic studies in Marathi, Hindi, English,
Mathematics, Science, History, Geography : (Summary Of CLO)

  1. To understand the concept, nature, and importance of content cum methodology.
  2. To understand the approaches, methods and objectives of teaching and learning of school subjects.
  3. To acquaint her/him with the assessment and evaluation of school subject.
  4. To acquaint her/him with planning and testing in the teaching of school subject.

S.Y. B. Ed. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
PE 5: Guidance, Counseling and Inclusive Education

  1. Understand the meaning, nature and scope of guidance and group guidance.
  2. Analyze the relationship between guidance and counselling
  3. Recognize the different areas of counseling, Understand the various stages involved in the process of counseling, appreciate the importance of counseling relationship.
  4. Understand the resources required and their optimum use in managing a school guidance programme.
  5. Understand the global and national commitments towards the education of children with diverse needs.
  6. Develop critical understanding of the recommendations of various commissions and committees towards teacher preparation for inclusive education,
  7. Analyze special education, integrated education, mainstream and inclusive education practices,
  8. Identify and utilize existing resources for promoting inclusive practice
  9. .Identifying and utilizing existing support services for promoting inclusive practice

PE 6: Assessment and Evaluation in School Education

  1. To understand the different dimensions of learning and the related assessment procedures, tools and techniques.
  2. To Develop assessment tasks and tools to assess learners performance, Analyze, manage, and interpret assessment data
  3. To Analyze the reporting procedures of learners performance in schools
  4. To Develop indicators to assess learners performance on different types of tasks
  5. To Examine the issues and concerns of assessment and evaluation practices in schools
  6. To Understand the policy perspectives on examinations and evaluation and their implementation practices
  7. To Traces the technology bases assessment practices and other trends at the international level.

B. Ed. Annual pattern ( w.e.f. 2019-20) Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)-
The curriculum is designed to achieve the following general objectives of the B. Ed. Programme
1) The student teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful.
2) The student teacher understands how children learn and develop, how they differ in their
approaches to learning and creates learning opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners and learning contexts
3) The student teacher plans learning experiences that are based on learner’s existing proficiency, interests, experiences including misconceptions and errors; and an understanding of how students come to view, develop and make sense of subject matter contained in the learning experiences

4) The student teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
5) The student teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner, and reflective practices that continually evaluate the effects of his/her choices and actions
6) The student teacher understands content cum methodology and adopts it in teaching.